All types of content can be accessed on computers and mobile devices using either the Flux Player app or the browser-based Web Player. Smart TVs can also stream video and audio when using the FluxPlayer app.

Using the FluxPlayer app

Content can be accessed using the free Flux Player app. The app manages download, storage, licensing, and viewing of the content and once downloaded, you can view the content anytime, anywhere just by opening the Flux Player app.

First start

Sign in

When you come from a shop order, use the "Sign in" option. For the sign in, use the email and password from the order process.

Redeem Code

Use this option only if you have got an explicit demand to redeem a code. Shop orders in general do not need to use a code, just sign in.


Open Removable Media

When the FluxPlayer comes with a USB Stick, you can open the content on the stick here. In general, you open the stick content with the "Start" app from the stick.


After Sign in

On the left appear a list of categories and shops. The recent section show the last four used or new add items.

With the selection of a category on the left, the items on the right side get reduced to the content assign to the specific category. To make the recent list and all other items visible again, select the top entry "All Content".

Open a content Item

By clicking an item, this dialog box is shown. Here appear all related information about the content item.


Make content available for offline usage

With clicking the download button, a download progress appears at the top of the FluxPlayer window.
A download can be interrupted, by closing the app or by a weak internet connection, the player will automatically resume the download.

Fully downloaded content, get a check mark in the lower right corner. In the dialog, the "Status" change from "Available in Cloud" to "Available offline". Also, the size of the content is now shown.

Content types which can not be streamed, like e-books, get automatically download by opening them.


The export option can be save content in its original format. This option is only available when the content owner has enabled it. The exported content gets stored in the system default folder for its type.


The burn option can be enabled by the content owner for SD Videos. The player create and burn a video DVD. This DVD requires a standalone DVD-Player or a DVD-Player software. 

This option is only available for Windows OS systems.


Update Content

The player checks for new content in your account on every start. In case you add content to your account while the player is up and running, you can retrieve the latest content items by clicking "Update Content".


Display menu

The "Display" menu helps you to organize your content by showing you only content with a local download, or not hidden content.

Active Content

Show all content which is not set as "hidden".

On this device

Show only content with and complete local download.

All Content

Show all content, also the items with the hidden attribute.