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2014-04-09 New platform update

We are very happy to announce the latest platform update - live as of now. Read on below for the most important changes and learn how you can utilize the new features to enhance your shop.


  • New: Attributes, Attribute Groups and Attribute Sets (SILVER and GOLD)

    It is now possible to define custom attributes and arrange them in groups and sets (multiple groups). Each attribute can have a custom data type, validation logic and may be displayed in the shop front end or even be used for searching, sorting and filtering.

    For example, if you sell educational content, you can use attributes to differentiate content for pupils and teachers, manage age groups, link to exams, etc.

  • Updated: Category Management

    The category management has been completely rewritten. It now supports unlimited sub categories, arrange via drag and drop, temporary disable, display of number of contents and much more.


  • Analytics

    • New: Native Google Analytics Support

      It is now possible to use Google Analytics simply by entering the Google Analytics Tracking ID under the FlickRocket Theme Settings. FlickRocket will automatically create and embed the appropriate code in the shop pages.

    • New: Goal and E-commerce tracking

      If the native Google Analytics support is active, you can enable FlickRocket to automatically transmit E-Commerce conversion data using the actual sales information (quantity, items, pricing).

    • Updated: Generic conversion tracking

      Goal and generic conversion tracking is now possible using the newly introduced tracking page which is temporary displayed for up to 10 seconds after each purchase.

  • Accounting

    • Change: Quickbooks export now available from SILVER

      The Quickbooks export module is now available also for SILVER accounts at no additional charge and has been updated to work with the new tax options.


  • SEPA Payment Processing (European customer only)

    FlickRocket now supports payments based on the SEPA (Single-Euro-Payments-Area) guidelines. SEPA is a payment-integration initiative of the European Union for simplification of bank transfers which enables customers to make cashless euro payments using a single bank account and a single set of payment instruments. It will become mandatory for businesses in 2014.

  • Attribute based filters

    Use your custom defined attributes to let customer search, sort or filter your shop items based on individual criteria.

  • Optionally attached PDF invoice

    Sales confirmation emails can now include an individually designed invoice in PDF format as attachment.

  • Design

    The shop has been enhanced with a number of optional new modules. The most important are listed below.

    • New: License description

      The shop’s detail pages now include a link to a detailed license description, which is either auto generated or can be individually defined as part of the license creation.

  • New: Module for sharing buttons

    Place sharing buttons anywhere on the product’s detail page.

  • New: Breadcrumb module

    New breadcrumb module shows the current location in the shop navigation.

  • New: Enhanced search module

    New enhanced search module with more design options such as in-field label.

  • Update: Various enhancements

    We have made several enhancements to button designs and placements, table designs and some rewordings for clarification.