2015-11-04 New FluxPlayer versions released
FlickRocket just released the new FluxPlayer update for all platforms.
- Integrated Shop Feature
FluxPlayer now includes an integrated shop feature offering your content to customers right inside the app. Depending on the platform and your settings the process is done via the regular web shop or via in-app purchases using the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Note: Available only for unrestricted content.
- Individual Purchase Suggestions
FluxPlayer now offers individual purchase suggestions based on past purchases and general sales intelligence. The suggested content is presented prominently on the first page and can be purchased by using the new integrated shop.
- Kiosk mode (iOS only)
FluxPlayer can now work in Kiosk mode allowing you to showcase FluxPlayer content and functionality in an unattended mode not allowing users any changes to the system.
- General Enhancements
FluxPlayer has received several optimizations for higher performance and stability. Also, we’ve eliminated several minor bugs along the way.
If you have any question please contact your partner or email us at support@flickrocket.com.