The FlickRocket platform permits your customer to authorize up to 10 devices per account within a 12-month period. This means they can access their digital content—like eBooks or videos—on various devices, including smartphones, laptops, and tablets, up to a limit of 10 devices within a year. If your customer tries to add an 11th device within a 12-month period, they will be notified that they've reached their device authorization limit and must wait until the start of the next period to add a new device.
Each piece of content comes with a specific DRM license that determines how many of the authorized devices can be used to access it. For example, if a video is licensed for use on three devices, it can be accessed on a combination of three different devices, such as a tablet, smartphone, and laptop. Accessing on a forth device would require deauthorizing one of those three devices.
*Note: If you need a site license, please contact your Account Manager or support to discuss using our institutional license option.*
To authorize a device, your customer will simply need to sign in to the Flux Player or Web Player (browser). Note that authorizing both the app and browser on the same device counts as two separate authorizations.
Devices can be deauthorized through the Flux Player app under Settings > Deauthorize this device. If multiple devices need to be managed or deauthorized, this can be done via Settings > Manage Devices.
Device authorization status can be checked or reset at any time through the FlickRocket admin panel.
Customers might reach their 10-device limit within a year due to legitimate reasons such as failing to deauthorize a device before uninstalling the app or using modes like Incognito, Guest, or Private. In such cases, customers will be informed that the limit has been reached, and no additional devices can be authorized until a specified date.
You can reset these device authorizations. Care should be taken to only reset those devices that are necessary. In some cases this might be all devices and in others it may only be some devices that for example, had Incognito mode enabled. Should you have any questions about the process or device authorizations, please contact support.
Resetting Device Authorizations:
The Delete Player Devices button allows quick deletion of any device authorizations that do not currently have a license in use.
If you click on a device with Active licenses, you will see a list of the active licenses and which license (Play, Burn, Export) is active. Like the device authorization, it is possible to reset only the license by clicking the red X as well. Hovering over the device will show the browser version or Flux Player version.
To avoid unnecessary or duplicate authorizations, we recommend the following:
These practices ensure a smooth digital experience with FlickRocket, helping your customer make the most out of their digital content while complying with the DRM requirements.