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Resetting the Customer Password

The Flux Player app and browser-based Web Player offer the customer the option of resetting their password before login. The customer should receive a password reset email containing a link or security code within seconds of their request. If a customer reports they have not received the password reset email, you should ask them to try again and check their junk mail folder.

In the event, the customer cannot locate the email, you have a few options:

  1. Direct them to contact support and we will forward a copy of the reset email.
  2. Login to the FlickRocket admin, check the request, and resend the email.
  3. Manually change the password and provide the new password to the customer.

The process for options 2 and 3 are detailed below.

*NOTE: The password reset link or code is only valid for 24 hours from request. If the request is older than 24 hours, you should ask them to make the request again before using option 1 and 2.*

Verifying Password Requests

You can confirm that a password request have been made by your customer. If confirmed, you can re-send that email.

To confirm a customer has requested a password reset:

  1. Login to the FlickRocket admin and go to Support>Incoming requests
  2. Enter the customer email and click the search icon
  3. Click Show on the desired user
  4. Scroll down to the Password History section and press Click to load data
  5. Check the date/time and whether the password was successfully changed.

If the password was requested, but not successfully changed, you can resend the email.

Re-sending the Password Reset Email

If you have verified the password request was made, you can re-send that email. If it has been longer than 24 hours since the request, you will need to ask the customer to make the request again.

To re-send the password reset email:

  1. Login to the FlickRocket admin and go to Support>Incoming requests
  2. Enter the customer email and click the search icon
  3. Click Show on the desired user
  4. Scroll down to the E-mail History section.
  5. Locate the latest New Password E-mail Type and click on the Subject.
  6. Click the Reply button and send the email.

Manually Resetting the Password

You can manually reset a customer's password, however you will need to contact them with the new password.

To re-send the password reset email:

  1. Login to the FlickRocket admin and go to Sales>Customers
  2. Enter the customer email and click the search icon
  3. Click Show on the desired user
  4. In the Customer section, enter the new password in the Password field
  5. Click Save.