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WooCommerce Integration

This guide explains the basic functionality of the WooCommerce Digital Content Delivery (incl. DRM) – FlickRocket plug-in, how to install and configure the plug-in, and how the content is accessed.

To install the plug-in, you will need an active WooCommerce installation and a FlickRocket account. There are three options when beginning the registration for a FlickRocket account. Make sure to select the Integrate with another platform option.

If you do not have a FlickRocket account, please follow the steps in the next section. If you already have a FlickRocket account, you can skip to the Installing the plug-in for WooCommerce section.

Registering a FlickRocket account

To register for a FlickRocket account:

  1. Go to https://www.flickrocket.com

  2. Click the button labeled "Integrate with another platform"

  3. Click "Start integration now"

  4. In the registration form, enter your email and a password of your choice. This will be your admin account for logging into the FlickRocket admin website.

  5. Click "Register".

  6. Check your email and click on the verification link in that email.

  7. In the FlickRocket admin, enter the the requested About you information.

  8. Confirm that I will use with a third-party shopping cart system is selected.

  9. Agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Continue.

While not important during the integration steps, you will need to enter your credit card information at Company>Settings>Company before going live. See the Usage Guide for more details on entering your payment data.

Installing the plug-in for WooCommerce

Once you have registered for a FlickRocket account, you can install the WooCommerce Digital Content Delivery (incl. DRM) – FlickRocket plug-in for WooCommerce from the WooCommerce plug-in page.

To install the plug-in:

  1. Login to your WooCommerce account and choose Plug-ins.

  2. Search for FlickRocket.

  3. Select WooCommerce Digital Content Delivery (incl. DRM) – FlickRocket and then click Install Now.

  4. Click Activate.

  5. Select WooCommerce from the left side bar and open the FlickRocket tab.

  6. Click Login - I have already signed up and login with your FlickRocket admin credentials. This will connect your FlickRocket and WooCommerce accounts.

  7. Click Accept to allow connection.

NOTE: There is no cost for the WooCommerce Digital Content Delivery (incl. DRM) – FlickRocket plug-in, however there is always a transaction fee and possibly a monthly plan fee. Please see our pricing page for more information.

Configuring the plug-in settings

The plug-in setting are configured by selecting WooCommerce and the opening the FlickRocket tab.


Show Previews

If you have added previews (or trailers) to your FlickRocket product, enabling Show Previews option will display a button on the product page that allows the customer to view a short sample of the product.

Extend Order Emails

Enabling this option automatically includes content access instructions and content login credentials in the WooCommerce new order email sent to the customer on completion of a successful order. This option should be enabled in most integrations.

Credit Orders Directly into Customer Account

The default process assigns the content and license directly to the account of the person ordering the product. The exception is when the order quantity for a FlickRocket-based product is greater than one. In that case, the content and license are not assigned to the purchaser's account. Instead, the purchaser is provided an unlock code and redemption instructions they can forward to those that will need access to the content.

In most integrations, you would leave this option enabled, but there may be use cases where you want to provide unlocks codes to all purchaser's even if the order quantity is one. This option can be disabled to send unlock codes for all orders.

Legacy Content Access

Legacy Content Access should only be used if you have installed the app previously and have a custom content access page that has not been updated for use with the embedded MyContentJS script.

Admin Email

Should the plug-in become disconnected from FlickRocket or certain other errors occur, the plug-in will attempt to send a notification email to the address entered in the Admin Email field. We highly recommend entering an email that is monitored.

*NOTE: The plug-in will use a token that is created when the connection to FlickRocket is established. If you restore your shop from a backup or clone, take care to re-connect the plug-in since the token would no longer be valid and communication with FlickRocket would fail.*


The Logging selection determines how much diagnostic data is captured and available to the developers. Setting to "Errors Only" may improve performance.

Enable SSO via BigCommerce

A system generated player password is created during the customer's first purchase from a store using FlickRocket. It is important to understand that a customer may use the same password for both store and player, but the passwords will not be the same on the initial purchase since the player password is randomly generated.

Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) is optional and allows customers to access the content with either the password for the store account or the player password.

See the Single Sign-On (SSO) section in the Usage Guide for more details and setup instructions.

Content Access Section Translations

FlickRocket supports a number of languages both in the plug-in and the player apps. You can find more details at this link should you want to add support for an unsupported language.

Make sure to Save changes before leaving the FlickRocket Settings tab.

*NOTE: Guest checkout MUST be disabled. It is important that the customer have an account for the plug-in to work properly and for the customer to access the content.*

Manage Digital Content

The Manage Digital Content page is used to open the FlickRocket admin to upload products and to sync existing products from FlickRocket to WooCommerce.

Creating and uploading products

To create and upload new products, select Products>Digital Content and click the Manage button. This will open the FlickRocket admin where you can create, edit, and upload products.

See the Create a product section in the Usage Guide for more details on creating and uploading different product types.

Syncing products

Product syncing allows importing your product data from your FlickRocket account to your WooCommerce store account including product name, description, artwork, trailers/previews, license options, and pricing. The product should be completed in FlickRocket with description, artwork, licenses and pricing with any uploads completely processed before syncing the product to WooCommerce. The product can by synced while the upload is processing, but should not be published until the upload is ready.

To sync existing products, you need to go to the Products>Digital Content. The Sync existing products from FlickRocket to WooCommerce section shows products that can be synced to WooCommerce and if they already exist in WooCommerce.

Select the products you want to sync and then click the Sync products now button. Do not leave or refresh the page until the progress bar reaches 100% to avoid interrupting the sync process.

*NOTE: When syncing products, it is important that there are no other products already in WooCommerce that have the exact same product name or SKU. Having the same product name or SKU may cause the product syncing to fail.*

Once the product sync is complete, you can review and publish the product in WooCommerce.

Configuring FlickRocket-based products

Provided you sync FlickRocket products that are fully configured, you should only have to publish the products in WooCommerce. Should you need to manually make changes, you should be familiar with the following product options:

Product Data

When you drill down into the product in WooCommerce, you should find the FlickRocket checkbox enabled. This option must be enabled.

When syncing a product with a single license option, you will see the License and Quality selectors. These settings allow you to set the license offered to the customer and the video quality (SD or HD) for video products and audio quality for non-DRM protected (MP3 or FLAC) audio album and track products.

Normally, the Multi-user option would be set to 1, however the Multi-user licensing option can be set to any numeric value to allow bulk sales with discounted transaction fees. See the blog article on Multi-user Licenses for more details.

FlickRocket Product ID

You should also find the FlickRocket Product ID. Every FlickRocket-based product will show the FlickRocket Product ID. The product ID is the field that links the FlickRocket product to the WooCommerce product. You can also find this product ID on in the General Product Information section of the product in FlickRocket.

Although products can be created in this section, it is simpler to create them in the FlickRocket admin and sync them to WooCommerce. Best practice is to make sure, after the product is synced, that any changes to the WooCommerce product are also made to the FlickRocket product.

Product Attributes

When products contain multiple license options, Attributes are used to configure the different license options with the license name, quality, and multi-user settings separated by colons. Each license option is separated by a Pipe character.


Products with multiple license options can be configured with each license as a variant.

Once the products are configured and synced, they can be published in the store. Note that the order information is not sent to FlickRocket if the product is not configured properly. Best practice is to make a test purchase before releasing to public purchase.

Accessing the Content

Once the customer has successfully completed an order with a FlickRocket-based product, they will be able to access the content through their web browser or the Flux Player app. The customer can stream or view their purchase in their browser without installation of any software or extension or they can install and use the Flux Player app to access the content. The main advantage of using the app is that once the content is downloaded to the app, the content can be used anywhere, anytime without internet connection while still protecting your content from unauthorized use. The app also stores and libraries all the customer purchases making it quick and easy to find and view the content.

The Flux Player is available for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, ChromeOS, and SmartTV including AppleTV, AndroidTV, FireTV, and Roku. The Flux Player app handles the download/streaming, social functions, ratings, and much more. Note that SmartTV devices only support streaming audio and video content types.

After the purchase

Selecting and ordering products works just like any other physical product. If you offer multiple license options, the customer can select the desired license and add the product to their cart.

At the end of the checkout process, an email is sent to the customer with their player login information and directs them to the My Account page of the WooCommerce store.

My ContentJS

The My ContentJS javascript is embedded and displayed immediately after purchase is completed. The My ContentJS section also appears on the My Account page. The My ContentJS section shows any content that is available for instant streaming/viewing in the browser. It also displays links to installers for the Flux Player apps and options for viewing on other platforms.

The customer can also request a password reset, redeem unlock codes, manage device authorizations, and request support from this page.

Web Player

Any FlickRocket-based products will appear at the top of the My ContentJS section and can be streamed or viewed in the browser using our browser-based Web Player. No installation is required for using the Web Player and the customer can view the content by clicking on the product image and choosing open or play. Other options such as non-DRM protected attachments may also be accessed after selecting the product.

Flux Player

If the customer wants to download and use the content offline, they can select the Get Player App button and then click the Download FluxPlayer to install the Flux Player for their device.

The Open Overview button displays links to Flux Players for other devices including Apple TV, AndroidTV, FireTV, and Roku.

Once installed, the customer can sign-in to the Flux Player app with their player login, and provided their content license is valid and has not expired, they can access the content anytime, anywhere after download.

If the content has attachments, those can also be downloaded directly from the Flux Player app to the users local drive.

The Flux Player supports streaming and download of video, audiobooks, and music, eBooks (PDF and ePub with annotation and highlighting, HTML-based content, and SCORM packages... all with DRM protection to safeguard your profits.

For more information on the Flux Player app, see the Flux Player manual .